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Please explain the difference between user variables and system variables.

Top answer:

User variables are data points that users create and define for specific needs. They can represent a variety of information such as a URL, a name, a date, or any other specific data that the user wants to use regularly. These variables c...


How can I set variables besides Percentage in automations?

I have a variable to track that we have verified the prospect is accredited.  I want to set that to go to the next stage in an automation. But the only variable I can set is Percentage.  Please advise. [image.png]

Top answer:

Great suggestion. We're currently working on expanding the categories for "setting a variable" beyond % probability and will notify everyone here in the Decile Base community once additional options are available.


How do I link to a file in an email template? The instructions for folder / files says you can link to files, but in the panel I only see folders

“Files refer to the links or variables that can be added to the body of the email. These links or variables direct the recipient to specific files or data rooms when clicked. Data rooms are essentially folders where you can store and share files with custom permissions. The links to these data rooms or specific files within them can be embedded in the email templates and sent to recipients, providing them direct access to the shared content.” But in my panel I just see this: [image.png] I have files in Core Distruption Fund Sales Assets but I  cannot see any way to get a link to them. If I copy the Link from the Files section then I just have a link, not a variable.

Top answer:

We are reworking this system to make it better, however, there is a workaround in the meantime that provides direct access to files through a variable to your pipeline prospects.  1. go to your folders, let's use Sample-Capital-DataRoom,...


What field or variable are we supposed to use to document that we have met the potential LP and that we are confident they are accredited?

This is important to document that we are not doing a general solicitation.

Top answer:

Tags are great for this use case. Also, you can setup a Meeting stage where you can move LPs that you have met with. 

 -  Mike Suprovici

I'd love to test out the Hub API for the Chrome extension.

Top answer:

The API is only generally available for Decile Partners at the moment. We'll have some more options for using the API soon. Find out more about starting a relationship with Decile Partners here


what are industry statistics about average vc returns of investments in pre-seed vs. later stages

why invest in pre-seed while risks are much higher 

Top answer:

There are no standards for returns in VC, because venture is an outlier business. This is also why most of the data online is not great, especially at the pre-seed or seed level.  If LPs are asking your for this info, you're in a bad pl...


How do I get a PACT signed faster?

Top answer:

To achieve quicker PACT signings, it's crucial to implement strategic targeting and streamline the interaction process with potential Limited Partners (LPs). Start by identifying the right LPs based on their investment size: small (Angel...


What is the Parallel Fund structure mentioned in the Cornerstone LPA? When does the need arise for setting it up?

Top answer:

A manager may decide to set up a “Parallel Fund” in order to accommodate the needs of certain limited partners that have tax, regulatory or other issues in investing in the primary fund.  For example, a non U.S. limited partner may want...


How do I set the fund information fields that shows up in Decile Pro?

How can I set the fields that show up in Decile Pro, such as: • Thesis • Description • News

Top answer:

Note: We are aware that these settings are a little bit hidden right now, and plan to have a more unified place to change them and see how they appear in the future. Currently, these fields can be set by going to



Can you help refine this thesis: "Hacer Partners is launching a $2.5m venture studio/accelerator fund in Chicago, USA to back working mom's start-up founders in North America leveraging on the partner's 15 year experience as a working mum operating a $150 million aum start-up studio."

Top answer:

Venture Studios and accelerators are very different approaches, so pick one. Also, from an LP's perspective, you need to show that you've been successful at helping or investing in working moms who have created large companies. Being an ...


Where in Decile Hub can I find the Thesis Generator Tool?

Top answer:

Please follow the steps below to find and use the Thesis Generator Tool in Decile Hub -1. Navigate to Settings in the left nav -2. Click on Entity Management -3. Now click on the edit button next to the fund you would like to develop a...


what is decile base?

Top answer:

Decile Base is an AI-powered knowledge base designed specifically for the venture capital industry. This new product by VC Lab provides immediate responses to complex questions related to all facets of venture capital operations based on...



Can you provide an example of a one-pager fund overview that I can provide a connector?

Top answer:

Here is a template 1 pager:  One of the best ways to setup a one-pager is to distill down the main slides in your deck into separate sections on the page. 

 -  Mike Suprovici

Is interest earned from convertible note added to the cost base in the schedule of investments when the note converts to preferred?

Top answer:

Yes, the interest earned from a convertible note is typically added to the cost base in the schedule of investments when the note converts to preferred. The interest is usually converted into additional shares of preferred stock at the t...


Is any VC model between focused/dispersed/hybrid recommended for a First Fund/Solo GP (I am assuming here a $5M Pre-Seed fund) conscious that a hands-on approach may be preferred for a first fund to demonstrate your diligence/advisory skills but that you may not be able to execute more than 10 deals because you are solo and thus risk a lack of diversification in your portfolio?

Top answer:

You need to pick a model that fits your strategy, secret sauce, and stage. For example, if you invest in pre-seed, naturally you will lead to a more dispersed approach because the risk of the portfolio companies is so high. It's not unco...


when is the right time during the program to apply for Decile Launch

Min. of PACTs received? Confidence level on Thesis Feedback (after or even before feedback session)?

Top answer:

We recommend that you have ~$1m in PACTs and another $500k - $1m hard to take advantage of Decile Launch.

 -  Mike Suprovici

General Solicitation - after close of the Fund

I understand GP can talk about the Fund thesis publicly after the fund is completely closed. What is the case when Fund 1 and Fund 2 thesis are the same and GP will be starting to raise Fund 2 soon?

Top answer:

In this case, you can talk about Fund 1 publically but not Fund 2.

 -  Mike Suprovici

Venture Partner Carry percentage

A potential Venture Partner, tells me they can help me raise 30% of my target.  I know I cannot give them cash or an earning proportional to the amount they raised. Is a percentage of carry the only compensation option? How much would be a reasonable percentage of the carry for leads to raise 30% of the total fund? Thanks

Top answer:

Venture Partner claims and reality often do not match up to reality. As a result, most Venture Partners are terminated by Managing Partners. So, use the Venture Share agreement and place a six month cliff on the Carried Interest venting....

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Does the UAE follow the same types of regulations on solicitation of a venture fund as does the US?

What differences do I as a need to be aware of as a new fund manager based in US, talking to a US person working in the UAE?

Top answer:

You might find this article generally helpful regarding General Solicitation: While we can't speak specifically to the UAE, the answer may be highly dependent on the nature of a relat...