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Adding someone using the Chrome extension that is not an LP, Connector, or Recruit

When adding someone with the Chrome extension that isn't an LP, Connector, or Recruit (e.g. an Entrepreneur, PC executive, etc.), what is the easiest way to insert them directly into the general Directory so they show up in the "People" database?  When using the Chrome extension, you must choose a "Pipeline" to import the contact into. I am logging deals and want to use the extension to add the entrepreneurs from the deals I'm reviewing directly into the "People"  database since they don't fit into the other database categories.  Thanks.


Hi. I will appreciate your feedback on my fund´s thesis

Danta Fund is raising a USD$2MM venture fund in Costa Rica to back pre-seed agri-tech startups in Latam, leveraging my network of 50 VCs to co-invest and 30 large U.S. corporations for exit opportunities 

Top answer:

Your fund's thesis appears well-defined and focused. Here are some points to consider: 1. **Geographic Focus**: Concentrating on Latam, particularly Costa Rica, can be advantageous due to potentially lower valuations and untapped opport...

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Does the portal retrieve the price per share at which SAFE converts once the valuation cap is determined?

Top answer:

For SAFE (or convertible note) portfolio investments 1. managers should track progress of the company, and potentially help the team negotiate to ensure fair terms for investors, founders and employees. 2. carefully review the docs and c...


How can a fund protect its ROI without follow-on capital?

A small startup studio fund can get crammed down if and when future rounds are needed.  Some innovative methods to protect the fund's interest without sabotaging future funding would be useful to have.

Top answer:

By definition, a studio will have a lot more ownership then most investors. Because of the complicated cap-tables of studio companies, many, if not most VCs avoid investing in such companies. Rather then attempting to figure out how to m...


How is ownership in a VC fund passed on to survivors of a deceased LP.

For an individual who is an LP, how does ownership in a given VC fund get passed to the individual's survivors.

Top answer:

If an LP (Limited Partner) passes away, the LP's partnership interest is handled according to the arrangements made with respect to the LP's heirs, executors/administrators of the estate, successors, etc. The LP is responsible for settin...

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