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Is it possible to diversify my fund's bank account to a set of additional banks to reduce the risk of bank failure like with SVB?

Top answer:

Though it is possible to diversify your fund's bank accounts, it's not a realistic option for the small funds of emerging managers. First, your banking options are very limited. Most big banks don't want to work with emerging managers, h...


What are some potential issues with making a capital call of more then the recommended 25% on the 1st close?

👍 1
Top answer:

The issue with doing a high capital call on the first close of say 30%+ is that all future LPs post the 1st close will also need to wire 30% to catch up. This is not a major point of friction with high net worth individuals that are inve...


Email LP Scraping

Hi All! I just recently joined Decile Hub. I'm beginning to add my LP prospects, and I have a good deal of previous communications in my Google email inbox. Is there a way to import LP prospects from previous email threads on my linked Google account, or do I have to add them in manually? Thanks!


How many VC firms are in the United States? How to approach counting the number of VC firms? How much capital was deployed in 2024?

Top answer:

The number of operating VC firms that are either raising funds or deploying capital is an unknown number. The amount deployed is also unknown.  Research providers make best guess estimates based on panels, so these research numbers are ...


why don't more VC firms go to the evergreen structure?

The answer from the Decile AI was a little too generic, e.g. : 1. "because they are unfamiliar with LPs" - SAFEs were unfamiliar at one point 2. "It complicates fundraising" - wouldn't the VC firm treat this a vc firm raising a new fund every 6-12 months? 3. "requires marking assets to market for LP liquidity" - I can see this a problem 4.  "and introduces significant complexity, especially with startups" - what would the startups that have been invested in have to do above and beyond what a non-evergreen fund would require of them? I can imagine one additional problem would be ensuring a cash reserve, which would limit the funds investing power.

Top answer:

TL'DR: By combining an excruciatingly difficult fundraising process with operational costs that are an order of magnitude higher - evergreen structures are often not viable for early stage VC. Ultra Difficult Fundraising Since there ar...


can a 20m dollar fund have 15m dollars that can invest globally but 5m dollars can only invest in Uzbekistan

Top answer:

Yes, a $20 million fund can allocate $15 million for global investments and $5 million specifically for Uzbekistan. However, this allocation should be clearly outlined in the fund's strategy and legal documents. It's important to ensure ...


Is there any way to list a VC fund on a stock market in particular in Kuwait

Top answer:

Listing VCs on public stock exchanges has not been successful to date. There are a few instances in Israel and a couple in London. Such a structure adds many inconvenient requirements for fund managers. Also, startups don't like to have ...


What happens if an LP wants to lower their commitment after signing the LPA?

Since it's possible to increase a position in a subsequent capital call (with a new LPA), is it also possible for an LP to request to reduce their commitment? If so, are there specific requirements for them to do so? How do you deal with that?

Top answer:

Generally speaking, increasing or decreasing an LP's capital commitment post-admittance is accomplished via a simple change agreement countersigned by all parties (a new LPA is not required). In the case of an increase, a "catch-up" ca...


If I have a $10m fund size and I do a close on $1m, what is my fund size?

Top answer:

The amount of capital that you close on is your fund size, not your target. In other words, if you have a fund target of $10m and you do a 1st close on $1m, your fund size is $1m until you close on more capital. 

 -  Mike Suprovici

How can I filter LPs in Hub based on their country of residence?

Top answer:

As of the end of 2024, you can not filter LPs based on country of residence or geography directly in the pipeline. However, you can Tag LPs based on their country or region, and then filter based on Tags. This is good functionality to ad...


Where can I learn about step by step process if Cap table of ManCo needs to be changed/ modified (Add/ Edit) after a fund is set up ?

Top answer:

Cap table adjustments for the ManCo are managed by the firm’s legal counsel. There are no short cuts here because mistakes in this are have severe consequences and are often fatal. We dedicate significant time to cap-tables during Decil...


Are VC and PE Funds exempted from BOI reporting?

BOI reporting is due by the end of this year (2024), and I can't remember if VC/PE funds are exempted from having to file.  Are all of the entities (e.g. ManCo, GP, and LP) exempted or do we have to file for all of them?  Thank you.

Top answer:

Generally speaking, venture fund advisors (management companies and the underlying individuals in the standard Decile structure, registered as Exempt Reporting Advisors) are exempt from BOI reporting so long as they 1) meet certain crite...


Is there any situation where it’s acceptable to not perform AML/KYC on Limited Partners during a fund closing process?

Top answer:

TL'DR - No. All Limited Partners must go through an AML/KYC prior to being accepted into the fund during an proper institutional grade LP onboarding process. This is because banks perform significant compliance checks on onboarded LPs. W...


What is a search fund?

What is a search fund and how does it work?

Top answer:

A search fund functions in a similar way to venture capital funds and PE funds where the fund manager raises capital from investors and deploys it into companies with the goal of creating a liquidity event. However, the execution of the ...


PACT Agreement

Is there a reason the following brackets are in the base PACT agreement and can they be removed for a US fund? The undersigned understands that the Offering is being made without registration under any securities law in any jurisdiction, including the [Securities Act of 1933 (the “Securities Act”), as amended, or any securities law of any state of the United States], and is being made only to ["accredited investors" (as defined in the Securities Act)].

Top answer:

The brackets in the base PACT agreement are placeholders for jurisdiction-specific legal references.  The language in the bracket is suggested language. For example, if you're in the US or launching a fund in Delaware, you can remove the...