General VC Questions


Ask anything about venture capital, and there will likely be an answer. Sometime there is no answer, and you may need to consult a professional. The training data is growing every day, which will help the system answer even more questions in the future.


what are the requirements to be an associate or an analyst in a VC firm? mention bullet points & include how many can be in a firm, duration of commitment & background requirements, along with financial commitment required?

To consolidate the firm structure we are trying to figure out what are the requirements for each role in terms of background, duration of commitment, financial commitment and how many can one have in a firm. Any thoughts or framework on this would be helpful.


Fee based VP structure

I am noticing there are many fees based VP structure popping up. Some start as little as $1k. This is something I found on a form in a VC firm that hasn't closed yet, but they say they have registered and currently run SPVs. "Venture Partners are required to invest a minimum of $5,000, receive incentives for raising capital, gain access and voting rights for our proprietary dealflow and benefit from a elite and diverse network." They have 70 VPs so far. It sounds more of a fee based angel syndicate but with "Venture Partner" titles, as well as a promise for a board seat. Not sure how that's possible with their check size between $100k-200K

Top answer:

Yikes! There is little need to do this. People that are trying to do stuff like this do so because they are desperate. First, "receive incentives for raising capital" is a MAJOR broker dealer violation. Second, a $5k investment is not wo...


Does the portal retrieve the price per share at which SAFE converts once the valuation cap is determined?

Top answer:

For SAFE (or convertible note) portfolio investments 1. managers should track progress of the company, and potentially help the team negotiate to ensure fair terms for investors, founders and employees. 2. carefully review the docs and c...


How can a fund protect its ROI without follow-on capital?

A small startup studio fund can get crammed down if and when future rounds are needed.  Some innovative methods to protect the fund's interest without sabotaging future funding would be useful to have.

Top answer:

By definition, a studio will have a lot more ownership then most investors. Because of the complicated cap-tables of studio companies, many, if not most VCs avoid investing in such companies. Rather then attempting to figure out how to m...


I generated the annual report on Decile Group (Back Office section) , but by some reason it does not appear as a downloaded material. Where can I download it?

Top answer:

under back office > Fund Overview Click "Generate a Report" This pops up a modal with what reports to generate as well as a list of all reports that have been generated.  This list of all generated reports is where you can download usi...


If I make an investment in Fund I with no follow-on reserves, can I follow on that investment in Fund II using the pro rata rights from Fund I?

Fund I has no reserves and is investing in Seed stage.  In future, I hope to establish a Fund II with follow-on reserves, investing in Seed plus Series A.  If I get pro rata rights from my investments in Fund I, can I use those rights to invest using the new Fund II? 

Top answer:

The best practice is to offer that pro-rata to fund 1 LPs first via SPVs. Next, bring the investment to your LPAC to clear any conflicts. Then, make the investment. 

 -  Mike Suprovici

When does an emerging fund typically reach profitability?

This question came up as it tied together several common themes, including the overall success rate of emerging funds (i.e, a fund that failed will not reach profitability), fund model between distributed/concentrated/hybrid, capital deployment, and liquidity events. At the same time, emerging funds have shown the ability to outperform, so I would love to learn more about when they are able to reach profitability and greatly reduce risk while retaining upside. 


Can you explain the importance and function of Most Favorite Nation regarding updating valuation of an investment? Can you gave an example?

Top answer:

Most Favorite Nation (MFN) is a negotiated provision in SAFE or convertible investments, which provides the investor with the best terms for that group of investments. This is sometimes used in early investments where other terms (valuat...


Which are the best practices for an ESOP?

Regarding vesting schedules, % of the company, Key People considered, at which point in the startup's development it should be defined.

Top answer:

The best practices for an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) include ensuring that founders and employees of a startup have vesting schedules to secure investment from reputable VCs. This helps align the interests of the employees with...

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What are graduation rates in a venture financial model?

In Step 3 of Sprint 8 of the Venture Institute program, one of the tasks states: Then, adjust the model inputs to create a $10 MM fund with no follow-on investments, setting the average investment, graduation rates, types of exits and other variables. I have an idea as to what it might be, but I don't want to assume. 


What should be included as Income in the Funds' P&L?

Top answer:

The income in a fund's Profit and Loss statement (P&L) typically includes realized gains from the sale of investments, unrealized gains from the increase in fair market value of investments, and any income generated from the investments ...

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Are there any SPV providers in Canada?

I have been doing a lot of research and can't seem to find any Canadian equivalents to Angelist, Carta, and Sydecar.  Brightspark Capital utilizes SPVs, and I know they are creating a beta SPV product, but it's currently not released publicly.  I am based out of Toronto, and aiming to invest in mostly Canadian & US startups. I wanted to do syndicates to help build up the track record, but again, I've been struggling to find a provider here in Canada.  If anyone has any leads for a provider, let me know!


What are management fees?

Top answer:

this question has already been answered, and is a great example of something that you should ask the AI (the field at the top of the screen) here is the previous answer Here is the answer from Decile Base AI “Management fees are the ...


What are SPV (Special Purpose Vehicle)?

Top answer:

Generally speaking, SPVs (Special Purpose Vehicles) are investment entities (commonly LLCs) formed for the purpose of making a single investment into a single startup.  • For example, let's say a fund has received a follow-on opportunity...


When raising a fund, is it okay to require an LP or Venture Partner to bring on another LP before including them in the fund closing? I understand that Venture Partners cannot be compensated based on money raised due to broker-dealer regulations but this seems diffferent

Top answer:

It's ok to encourage LPs and VPs to make introductions to LPs. There is no way to require any LP or VP to have one of their connections invest in the fund, however. 

 -  Mike Suprovici

Exit of fund before startups have liquidated

One of the LPs asked me what happens if a company has not exited by the time the fund closes (if it is a ten year fund and a startup we have invested in hasn't had an exit) - what is the response? How do we disperse funds if the startups are still operating? Do we have to sell the shares we own in a private market or somehow the founders are required to show us returns or what happens if there is no liquidation?

Top answer:

Most funds will request a 1 or 2-year extension at that point. Then, you may distribute the equity back to LPs or you may chose to liquidate in the secondary markets. 

 -  Mike Suprovici

Add video to PACT

I'm trying to use the video feature in the PACT but it doesn't work. I have uploaded it into Hub and also tried it directly from YouTube. Has something changed? Am I doing something wrong here?

Top answer:

I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing difficulties with the video feature on your PACT form. I've tested it in my own sandbox account, and it worked fine. Could you please confirm whether you followed these steps: navigate to Fundra...


How can I set variables besides Percentage in automations?

I have a variable to track that we have verified the prospect is accredited.  I want to set that to go to the next stage in an automation. But the only variable I can set is Percentage.  Please advise. [image.png]

Top answer:

Great suggestion. We're currently working on expanding the categories for "setting a variable" beyond % probability and will notify everyone here in the Decile Base community once additional options are available.


when is the right time during the program to apply for Decile Launch

Min. of PACTs received? Confidence level on Thesis Feedback (after or even before feedback session)?

Top answer:

We recommend that you have ~$1m in PACTs and another $500k - $1m hard to take advantage of Decile Launch.

 -  Mike Suprovici

How to solve for the CEO problem in venture studio?

Had a meeting with a qualified LP - he was optimistic about the product side but he was unsure how to solve for the CEO problem in the venture studio. He said founders vastly underestimate founders and you wont be able to find a CEO who really digs deep and works on block and tackle to grow the company. Does anyone have any experience with this ? 

Top answer:

Recruiting CEOs is one of the biggest challenges for venture studios. An effective way to solve this is for the Venture Studio to be narrowly specialized in one vertical. This way, the studio can build the expertise, systems, and strateg...


What are the most common alterations to the traditional 2/20 compensation model seen in healthcare funds?

I asked Decile Base the following question and it responded, "I can't confidently answer this question, please start a new Decile Base post to have this question answered." Below is my question.  What are the most common alterations to the traditional 2/20 compensation model seen in healthcare funds? 

Top answer:

LPs are most familiar with the 2/20 model. If you deviate from this, you will struggle to raise money, especially as an emerging manager. There are many areas to innovate as an emerging manager. Innovating on the standard fee model is no...


Should a VC firm avoid investing in public benefit corporations?

What terms should we look out for that are particular to PBCs?  Does having PBCs in a portfolio cause concern for LPs?

Top answer:

Not necessarily. Typically public benefit corporations (PBC) are taxed as a corporation like a C-Corp.  That being said, a PBC status may make it more difficult for the company to secure capital. This is because the founder has to expla...