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How to change drop down menu for registering guests for an event?

When a guest registers, they pick their category (e.g. Limited Partner, Venture Capitalist, Other).  How can we change the wording in these categories?  For instance, my fund is more private equity than venture capital.  While I love my VC brothers and sisters :-), I would like to change the Venture Capitalist category to something different....more general like VC/PE Fund Manager or something like that.  Thank you.


Where do I find my signed LPA files?

Top answer:

1. left navigation click files 2. In the lower left of the page that loads is "Shared LP files" with your fund name nested below that 3. click that fund name 4. you will see folders with all your LP names 5. within each folder named for ...


Q. Is the information of Limited Partners entered into Decilehub visible only to me, or do others have access to it as well?

As the information of Limited Partners can be sensitive, I am wondering whether only writer (and team) can check. 

Top answer:

This is a great question, and I understand your concern.  We have built Decile Hub to be entirely walled off between each of the accounts that have signed up.  What that means is the only people viewing your inserted data are the write...


Namaste ! Request you to please review my thesis and share your feedback. Gratitude

ANANTA is launching a $5 MM seed fund in India to back Healthcare & Life Sciences companies, leveraging my experience of mentoring 20 startups, collectively raising $10 MM, and achieving 20% month-on-month growth.

Top answer:

Your thesis appears well-defined and focused. Here are some points to consider: 1. **Geographic Focus**: Concentrating on India can be advantageous due to the growing healthcare and life sciences sector and untapped opportunities. 2. **...

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How do I recap a company with a large amount of SAFE's outstanding?

We have several SAFE's as investments in a company. Virtually all of the capital has been put in by our group.  What rights do we have as SAFE holders if there are issues or concerns with management actions? If you were the investor in this entity, how would you approach this situation?   

Top answer:

A priced round will convert the SAFEs. In addition, because you're the largest investor, you do have some leverage. Usually, the best thing to do is to hash this out with the founding team 1st. For example, you can get them to agree to d...


what are the requirements to be an associate or an analyst in a VC firm? mention bullet points & include how many can be in a firm, duration of commitment & background requirements, along with financial commitment required?

To consolidate the firm structure we are trying to figure out what are the requirements for each role in terms of background, duration of commitment, financial commitment and how many can one have in a firm. Any thoughts or framework on this would be helpful.


Fee based VP structure

I am noticing there are many fees based VP structure popping up. Some start as little as $1k. This is something I found on a form in a VC firm that hasn't closed yet, but they say they have registered and currently run SPVs. "Venture Partners are required to invest a minimum of $5,000, receive incentives for raising capital, gain access and voting rights for our proprietary dealflow and benefit from a elite and diverse network." They have 70 VPs so far. It sounds more of a fee based angel syndicate but with "Venture Partner" titles, as well as a promise for a board seat. Not sure how that's possible with their check size between $100k-200K

Top answer:

Yikes! There is little need to do this. People that are trying to do stuff like this do so because they are desperate. First, "receive incentives for raising capital" is a MAJOR broker dealer violation. Second, a $5k investment is not wo...