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How to change drop down menu for registering guests for an event?

When a guest registers, they pick their category (e.g. Limited Partner, Venture Capitalist, Other).  How can we change the wording in these categories?  For instance, my fund is more private equity than venture capital.  While I love my VC brothers and sisters :-), I would like to change the Venture Capitalist category to something different....more general like VC/PE Fund Manager or something like that.  Thank you.


what are the requirements to be an associate or an analyst in a VC firm? mention bullet points & include how many can be in a firm, duration of commitment & background requirements, along with financial commitment required?

To consolidate the firm structure we are trying to figure out what are the requirements for each role in terms of background, duration of commitment, financial commitment and how many can one have in a firm. Any thoughts or framework on this would be helpful.


Aside from the Management Company, General Partner, and Limited Partner, what other legal entities need to be created for a Venture Studio? What incorporation structure is recommended for those entities?

Here the ideal structure for a Venture Studio is laid out, showing 5 legal entities - (1) Management Company, (2) General Partner, (3) Limited Partner, (4) The Venture Studio / Accelerator (operations), and (5) An Individual Company (created by the Venture Studio / Accelerator). While researching, its been suggested that the Venture Studio operations (4) be created as an LLC with the individual companies (5) being incorporated as C-corps, though I'd like some validation or refutation of this.