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How does one update "fund_details.close_at" that gets shown in a PACT email template?

Top answer:

To update the "fund_details.close_at" variable in Decile Hub, you need to navigate to the Fund Admin section called "Entity Management" in the Back Office. However, this section is only available to Decile Partners customers. Lastly, to ...


How to solve for the CEO problem in venture studio?

Had a meeting with a qualified LP - he was optimistic about the product side but he was unsure how to solve for the CEO problem in the venture studio. He said founders vastly underestimate founders and you wont be able to find a CEO who really digs deep and works on block and tackle to grow the company. Does anyone have any experience with this ? 

Top answer:

Recruiting CEOs is one of the biggest challenges for venture studios. An effective way to solve this is for the Venture Studio to be narrowly specialized in one vertical. This way, the studio can build the expertise, systems, and strateg...


What are the most common alterations to the traditional 2/20 compensation model seen in healthcare funds?

I asked Decile Base the following question and it responded, "I can't confidently answer this question, please start a new Decile Base post to have this question answered." Below is my question.  What are the most common alterations to the traditional 2/20 compensation model seen in healthcare funds? 

Top answer:

LPs are most familiar with the 2/20 model. If you deviate from this, you will struggle to raise money, especially as an emerging manager. There are many areas to innovate as an emerging manager. Innovating on the standard fee model is no...


What assurance does an LP have that the GP will not call capital faster than over the promised investment period of 3-4 years?

An propective LP wants some assurance that their commitment will not be called substantially faster than the proposed 3-4 year investment period. What's the best way to address this contractually in the LPA, and in practice?

Top answer:

There is nothing contractually in the LPA that prohibits a GP to call capital as needed and a GP shouldn't make promises or capital call schedules since they have no definite way of knowing how their deal flow and investment needs will b...


What's the ideal way to identify quality connectors within my network?

My experience with connectors is limited, and it's unpredictable to determine which contacts might be good connectors in advance. Those I initially thought could be good connectors sometimes didn't fit the bill. How can I identify who to approach? How do I build a connector archetype?

Top answer:

The best connectors are already 'supporters' of you or your fund or both. As a result, they naturally want to help you on your missions without anticipating something in return. To better help you triangulate on the right archetype, try ...


Should a VC firm avoid investing in public benefit corporations?

What terms should we look out for that are particular to PBCs?  Does having PBCs in a portfolio cause concern for LPs?

Top answer:

Not necessarily. Typically public benefit corporations (PBC) are taxed as a corporation like a C-Corp.  That being said, a PBC status may make it more difficult for the company to secure capital. This is because the founder has to expla...


What is the Monte Carlo Simulation and how does it help to model the probability of success during due diligence?

I often see various Excel-generated models being included in data rooms.  These models are referred to as a "sensitivity analysis" of various sorts and typically display probability outputs.  I do not understand the significance and how the models work to assist with due diligence.  Could you please help to explain the signifance and use of appropriate models during the due diligence process?

Top answer:

Fund managers often show various scenarios for how the fund may perform relative to the investment strategy. As an LP, it’s critical to understand the assumptions behind those projections, because models are rarely 100% accurate. For exa...


Best conferences for new LPs?

What are some great conference recommendations that would benefit new LP investors? Especially ones interested in emerging managers. Thanks!

Top answer:

Here is a list of top GP - LP events: Most conferences are a mixed bag both for LPs and GPs. We are working to fix this, and are planning to host a new Decile Summit this year. Typically, th...


What makes an effective reference letter for a managing partner?

Top answer:

When LPs request a reference, they typically want the name and email rather than a reference letter. However, if you do plan on having a formal reference letter, ideally you want a founder and a co-investor documenting how you helped a ...


How do I get an api key?

I want to be able to use the Decile Hub API. How can I generate a new access token?

Top answer:

Decile Hub API keys are available from Hub Settings > API > API Tokens Not all Hub users have access to the API. If you are on a free Hub plan and want to upgrade to be able to use the API, contact your account rep or support.

 -  Travis Giggy

Does a post money SAFE got diluted with the Series A?

I would like to know the step-by-step process. Scenario: I invested in the pre-seed round via a post-money SAFE of $100k at a $1M post-money CAP valuation. The startup reached Series A and raised $5M at a 50M valuation. How much company participation do I owe after the Serires A transaction is closed? 10%? Do I have the same preferred stocks that the company issued for the Series A investor(s)?

Top answer:

There are a lot of factors at play here. For example, if the company raised an additional SAFE after your investment, the dilution scenario will be different. It also depends on the terms of the Series A. Consider using this Cap Table an...


Filter in the directory

The directory has a significant flaw, that besides sorting it does not let you do anything. Many times I would like to understand which pipelines people are in, but it does not let me filter pipe pipeline or sort that field. A simple has value/has none, would be already sufficient...

Top answer:

Thank you for sharing your feedback with us! We'll definitely keep it in mind for future updates to improve the directory. If you have any more suggestions or questions, feel free to reach out anytime.


What is the typical share of the GP that people sell and how much will an investor typically pay for it?

The topic of selling a stake in the fund's GP or ManCo to investors has come up several times in webinars and AMAs. This seems to be a way to for the partners to raise capital to support themselves during fundraising or finance their GP commitment. Can anyone put some numbers to this idea?  Also, what happens if the fundraising effort is not successful? Does the investor lose their money or are the GPs on the hook to repay it?

Top answer:

There is no standard amount or numbers. What you're referring to here is having someone invest in the GP entity. First, you need to set a valuation on the GP entity. A good place to start is by trying to pencil out the value of the carry...


I have had a number of potential LPs ask me about an NDA. Should I get an NDA signed before presenting to LPs?

Top answer:

No. Instead, send LPs a PACT. The standard PACT has NDA language prebuilt into the legal template and it's designed for this purpose. Once they sign the PACT, you can disclose more information about the fund. 

 -  Mike Suprovici

Tax treatment for LPs

I have some LPs asking me if there are potential tax benefits to their LP investment. My gues is that there aren´t, but want to make sure

Top answer:

Always avoid giving tax advice to your LPs. If you do, you incur enormous liability. Your answer should always be: "Please speak with your tax advisor." For your info only, there are usually tax benefits. But these are different dependi...


How can I have an external user upload files to a dataroom

How can I have an external user upload files to a dataroom? If this is not currently a feature it should be seriously considered for a near future enhancement. I've heard Adeo talk about the enhanced security of other Decile Hub features that replaced the need to send email. Uploading files to a deal room should be in that same category considering that sensitive information for due diligence will need to be sent to funds via email until this feature is implemented.

Top answer:

Currently, external users cannot directly upload files to a Decile Hub data room. If you need an external user to contribute a file, they would need to send it to an internal user who could then upload it to the Data Room. However, your ...