What are the most common alterations to the traditional 2/20 compensation model seen in healthcare funds?

I asked Decile Base the following question and it responded, "I can't confidently answer this question, please start a new Decile Base post to have this question answered." Below is my question. 

What are the most common alterations to the traditional 2/20 compensation model seen in healthcare funds? 
2 answers
Community Member
Mar 29, 2024
Accepted Answer
Mar 29, 2024
Thanks Mike. I was referring to a section in the article titled Venture Fund Economics that discusses how 2/20 model alterations are negotiated by fund managers and investors to "better align with specific strategies, risk and market conditions" including budget-based management fees, preferred return, deal-by-deal carry etc. Any insight you can provide on common alterations like these seen in healthcare funds would be greatly appreciated. 
Community Member
Apr 08, 2024 3:21pm
You should avoid budget-based management fees, preferred return, deal-by-deal carry etc. All this stuff brings in un-necessary and excessive complexity and cost and are not beneficial, especially for emerging managers. Our recommendation is to do a clean  2&20 fund with no special terms. 
Apr 08, 2024 3:36pm
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