It is possible to generate graphics to facilitate the information for our stakeholders in the report in Decile Hub?
Under investments tab of back office there is the option to see investments under Schedule or Investments or Cap Adjusted tabs. Conceptually what is the difference between these two and are there any predictable relationships that always apply?
Regarding vesting schedules, % of the company, Key People considered, at which point in the startup's development it should be defined.
Decile Base Answer: I can't confidently answer this question, please start a new Decile Base post to have this question answered.
The current answer includes a task from the Step 2 assignment of Sprint 8 for the Venture Institute program. I'm not sure if it is there due to an error, but it shouldn't be there.
1. If you are asking only accredited investors to attend a "Content" event, what is a reasonable assumption that they will then attend a "Conversion" event? 2. How large should your Content event be in order to have enough interest for a Conversion event, in general? 3. How large should your Conversion event be in order to secure at least 1 PACT, in general? 4. What is a targeted attendance for a successful Conversion event? Don't want it to be too small or too large. Thank you.
• Investment Valuations: • Common valuation methods and update frequencies. • Impact on financial statements and documentation requirements.
I've raised from several institutional LP's and they ask for formal investment procedure at VC fund as a separate document with roles, responsibilities, timelines, processes ets. May be someone has done something similar so I would not build from zero. I guess such procedure shall cover raising / origination / evaluation / investment decision / investing / acceleration (value creation and preservation) / monitoring / reporting / exit/