How do I link to a file in an email template? The instructions for folder / files says you can link to files, but in the panel I only see folders

Asked by:
Apr 27, 2024
Files refer to the links or variables that can be added to the body of the email. These links or variables direct the recipient to specific files or data rooms when clicked.
Data rooms are essentially folders where you can store and share files with custom permissions. The links to these data rooms or specific files within them can be embedded in the email templates and sent to recipients, providing them direct access to the shared content.

But in my panel I just see this:

I have files in Core Distruption Fund Sales Assets but I  cannot see any way to get a link to them.

If I copy the Link from the Files section then I just have a link, not a variable.
1 answer
Accepted Answer
May 02, 2024
We are reworking this system to make it better, however, there is a workaround in the meantime that provides direct access to files through a variable to your pipeline prospects. 

  1. go to your folders, let's use Sample-Capital-DataRoom, as the example: https://sample.decilehub.com/data_room/folders/RnelPZGq
    1. that is a dud URL i just created
  2. go to the folder file you want to share in a new tab let's use "Sample-v2024-04-22" as the example
    1. right click on "Presentation" click "open in new tab"
    2. click on  Sample-v2024-03-22.pdf
    3. you will see this as your URL: https://sample.decilehub.com/data_room/folder_files/3N9VgRnZ
  3. click the carat ">" next to Fundraising in your navigation
  4. right click on LP Emails, "Open in new tab"
  5. you now have three tabs, the folder, the file, and an email template writer
  6. in the body of your email template if you would like to send an email to someone to receive a single file you will type the following exactly
    1. [[data_room.Sample-Capital-DataRoom/folder_file=3N9VgRnZ]]

    2. where "Sample-Capital-DataRoom" is the name of the parent folder from step 1
    3. where "3N9VgRnZ" is the path from the file URL in step 2.3
  7. When you send this to a prospect in your pipeline they will receive the following in their email
    1. https://sample.decilehub.com/data_room/preview/1bvZaNd37-T3St5-lLvbs-T0JwTJ?file=3N9VgRnJ
    2. This will take them directly to the file you are looking to share

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