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with tagCompensation

What is a common percentage to pay for referals for fundraising.

If a venture partner makes an intro that results in an LP signing. Can I compensate them with a cash consulting fee? Is there an industry standard rate, that relates to the size of the LP commitment?

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Top answer:

0. There are various broker dealer laws that make compensation for money raised illegal, unless the person has the proper broker licenses. Please note that these type of arrangements often don't work and are usually a major waste of time.

 -  Mike Suprovici

How does an advisor get compensated?

How does an advisor get compensated?

Top answer:

You can use a venture partner agreement. Click this link to learn more about Venture Partner Agreements:

 -  Mike Suprovici

Is it Fair for 4 GPs to Have Different Fund Shares Based on Amount Raised and Skills Added?

Does it make sense for all 4 partners to be GPs but allocate to each different share (%) of the fund based on (1) the amount each raises from LPs or brings into the fund from personal resources and (2) added value based on skills?

Top answer:

It is hard to make ownership based on fundraising for a number of reasons. First, it is just hard to track who does what if the partnership is functioning well, since one partner may know the investor, yet another partner closes the inve...

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