In the Balance Sheet (Assets section), why will the “Portfolio Investments, at Fair Market Value” show a negative balance if on the Schedule of Investments FAIR VALUE is higher than the COST?
I will assume that a negative balance in an assets account would only happen if the fair market value of the investment has gone to zero and thus the balance was zero less the cost of the investment. But in the example I'm looking at, in the Schedule of Investments it is clearly shown that FAIR VALUE is positive. Another option is that maybe those investments were made using SAFE notes and thus the investments are registered at cost instead of FMV because there hasn’t been a priced round on that company yet. But if that was the case, then the Cap Adjusted section should show a valuation projection using the cap defined in the SAFE notes as the valuation of the portfolio companies, and that's not the case in the example I'm looking at. The only additional option I can think of is that maybe the SAFE notes were issued without a valuation cap and thus rely on a discount to the next equity financing round, rather than a predefined cap. But in the example I'm looking at, by clicking on each Portfolio Company’s name, their respective “Founding Rounds” tabs seem to indicate that the fund holds Common Shares and not SAFE notes.