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with tagDecile Launch

Does Decile Launch supports India or just Delaware and Ontario?

Top answer:

Decile Launch supports Delaware and Ontario as of this message but we are reviewing other domiciles for future expansion. Please review why Delaware is the domicile of choice for the vast majority of VC Firms here:


Is it necessary that I incorporate the LP, GP and ManCo simultaneously or can I register a DE LLC as a ManCo first?

I already have almost 2% in hard-circle money and need to check the details on incorporating the ManCo, especially on how to start and through whom (platform) to do it. I'll have an advisor/LP in the ManCo who may become a partner. So I need to explore in detail all the aspects of the incorporation and Taxes. I read that even an LLC in DE in the case of Non-US may be taxed on capital gains and need to be sure how it will work. Besides this, It seems that Decile Launch does not include the ManCo and the GP, just the fund itself. If that is the case, I need to know if I can use platforms like LegalZoom, Stripe Atlas or others and how to do it properly.

Top answer:

DO NOT INCORPORATE ANYTHING. Stop now. This is a major waste of time and effort. You need a minimum of 10%+ hard circled via PACTs to begin a formation process. Then, you need to work with super specialized VC formation attorneys to get ...