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Added Deals by Investment Inquiries Form

When an investment is added via the web form, it should have a stage "Added by Investment Inquiries Form" (this is also what I set in the "Forms" settings. Instead, it is just being added with the stage "Added", with no notification email. Also, no clear date stamp on when this stage was added. The result: people submit their companies, but we do not know about that and when checking manually, we have hard time realizing when this was even added. 

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We've noticed a glitch in our system that's causing submissions from the Investment Inquiries Form to be routed to the wrong stage ("Added" instead of "Added by Investment Inquiries Form") for newly created Hub accounts. Our team is act...


Can I setup DecileHub stages so that I can choose the next stage?

For example, a prospect may be willing to sign a PACT, might request more materials, or not respond. Each of these outcomes should lead to a different stage. I know we can manually set stages; the value of this feature is to constrain the choices available at each point. Is there any way to offer more than one button for the "Move to Stage" functionality? Ideally, it would be great to have some time-based automations. E.g., a timeout that moves a prospect to "Unresponsive" after repeated contacts.