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What's the new language for pacts with 'Fill in the Form' - do we include this on the PACT landing page and/or the custom banner when potential LPs are viewing our deck?

Mike had mentioned it this week - 'fill in the form' for PACT signing.

Is it better softer language (more inviting) that we're going for to up PACT signing %?

I don't think we can edit banner language and have prompted Robert about the possibility of customizing.
1 answer
Accepted Answer
Nov 12, 2023
got it - do you recommend we change our language on our soft written material and banners, etc... (ie. soft as in the marketing like 'fill out the form here', still maintaining the official 'PACT' language on the PACT form, etc...) or just in speaking to LPs?
Community Member
Nov 12, 2023 6:30pm
no, that shouldn't be necessary
Nov 12, 2023 6:31pm
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