Is there any resource to better understand how Venture Studio plays out in VC Lab, especially financially?

I have gone through the blog 'How to build a venture studio'.
In the sense that a normal VC fund deploys capital in a startup, but in the case of a venture studio, some testing would be required to get market feedback before identifying the best ideas/models to invest a bigger cheque. Can the fund in a venture studio be used to test out ideas?
Community Member
Jul 23, 2023 2:42am
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1 answer
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Accepted Answer
Jul 23, 2023
Addition - "testing includes building multiple MVPs"
Community Member
Jul 23, 2023 3:10am
Addition - "Yes, the fund in a venture studio can be used to pay salaries of the team required to test ideas."
Community Member
Jul 23, 2023 3:11am
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