Hey folks - I’m very impressed with the design of the tool, but concerned about stability issues and bugs which I’ve already experienced which will prevent me from using it.
If you don't mind reassuring me - I’d love to know how many separate instances you’re running (i.e - is there a separate developer integration instance and staging instance before deploying to production?), how many people are on your QA team, and what kind of backup and automated testing regime you’re employing.
This will help me decide whether I think you’re going to be sufficiently stable moving forward.
(Sorry to be a pain, but we have an excellent stack with best-of-breed tools so this is a far from trivial decision for me.)
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Hey Eran, thanks for the feedback! We appreciate hearing concerns and I'm happy to answer your questions. Yes, we have separate dev/staging/production environments and act as our own QA. We have frequent automated backups and are continuously building up our automated testing coverage. We've had extremely little downtime, but we do have some bugs that crop up as we are building things out quickly. We balance speed and minimizing bugs, but we're very much in a state of rapid building since the software is relatively new. We love getting feedback, so please let us know if there's something specific that has been an issue for you or if there's functionality that doesn't meet your needs. As for the VC Tech stack, we build and improve this tool in concert with our power users who continually provide feedback. Thanks for the conversation starter!
1 reply
Hey Eran, thanks for the feedback! We appreciate hearing concerns and I'm happy to answer your questions. Yes, we have separate dev/staging/production environments and act as our own QA. We have frequent automated backups and are continuously building up our automated testing coverage. We've had extremely little downtime, but we do have some bugs that crop up as we are building things out quickly. We balance speed and minimizing bugs, but we're very much in a state of rapid building since the software is relatively new. We love getting feedback, so please let us know if there's something specific that has been an issue for you or if there's functionality that doesn't meet your needs. As for the VC Tech stack, we build and improve this tool in concert with our power users who continually provide feedback. Thanks for the conversation starter!
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