Does Decile Hub have a template valuation policy?

1 answer
Thanks Mike! Is this policy aligned with IPEV guidelines? https://www.privateequityvaluation.com/Valuation-Guidelines
Community Member
Dec 27, 2023 8:11pm
We reviewed these guidlines and others while developing the Decile Valuation Policy. While the policy is robust, the IPEV guidelines are over-kill for emerging managers in Venture Capital. Many of their guidlines are also not applicable (i.e. Discounted Cash Flows) or difficult to comply with. That being said, the Decile Valuation Policy does align with several of the concepts in the IPEV guidlines while being simpler and easier to understand.
Dec 27, 2023 8:56pm
200% nobody use DSF in valuation of startups, normally it is used in PE where their Business Plan is robust.
Jun 07, 2024 10:57am
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