Entity Naming Pros and Cons - Management Company and Fund Series

What are some entity naming pros and cons of the management company and fund series? Consider the example below with one private fund series that has one fund series with one thesis and a second fund series with a second thesis. (Bolded text represents a classification and not an entity name standard.):
  • The Management Company
    • X Ventures Management LLC
    • X Ventures Management L.L.C.
    • X Ventures Management, LLC
    • X Ventures Management, L.L.C.
  • The Private Fund Series
    • The Fund I Thesis 1
      • The Fund I Thesis 1 For LPs
        • X Ventures Fund I Thesis 1 LP
        • X Ventures Fund I Thesis 1 L.P.
        • X Ventures Fund I Thesis 1, LP
        • X Ventures Fund I Thesis 1, L.P.
      • The Fund I Thesis 1 For GPs
        • X Ventures Fund I Thesis 1 GP
        • X Ventures Fund I Thesis 1 G.P.
        • X Ventures Fund I Thesis 1, GP
        • X Ventures Fund I Thesis 1, G.P.
    • The Fund I Thesis 2
      • The Fund I Thesis 2 For LPs
        • X Ventures Fund I Thesis 2 LP
        • X Ventures Fund I Thesis 2 L.P.
        • X Ventures Fund I Thesis 2, LP
        • X Ventures Fund I Thesis 2, L.P.
      • The Fund I Thesis 2 For GPs
        • X Ventures Fund I Thesis 2 GP
        • X Ventures Fund I Thesis 2 G.P.
        • X Ventures Fund I Thesis 2, GP
        • X Ventures Fund I Thesis 2, G.P.
1 answer
Accepted Answer
Nov 09, 2023
Thank you for your detailed explanation. (Note: I upvoted this but the UI is not reflecting that on my end. I'll share a screenrecording privately. Thanks again!)
Community Member
Nov 09, 2023 8:54pm
You're most welcome!
Nov 09, 2023 10:49pm
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