CREDX Ventures MAFIA Fund 1 is launching a $3 MM seed venture fund in Delaware, USA to back underdogs & visionary founders in the US, Canada & India focusing on impactful tech startups with operator experience in building Fintech and D2C companies.
Community Member
Decile Base AI
Jul 14, 2024
Your fund's thesis appears well-defined and focused. Here are some points to consider:
1. **Geographic Focus**: Concentrating on the US, Canada, and India can provide a diverse range of opportunities and access to different markets.
2. **Sector Focus**: Focusing on impactful tech startups, particularly in Fintech and D2C, leverages your operator experience and targets high-growth sectors.
3. **Fund Size**: A $3 MM seed fund is realistic for a new manager, especially in Delaware, which is cost-effective for fund domiciling.
Ensure your thesis clearly articulates how these elements will drive superior returns.