Dear VC Lab team & community, Regarding the Venture Partner template: to which degree do these percentages change in function of fund size? As the fund size becomes bigger, carry allocations become smaller? E.g. $US10MM fund size vs. $75MM fund size. Decile base says no change but can't imagine that is true? Thanks! Wim

2 answers
Accepted Answer
May 10, 2024
Community Member
May 10, 2024
This is not an opinion. The carry is 100% and vp shares are % of 100. When you give someone x% of the carry they get that. So, let's say you do a 1st close of €10m and you can't raise more. That's your fund size now. You're not going to change % carry up or down depending on where you land in respect to the target. The values that we have put in the VP agreement are directionally right:


It's up to you to figure out from there what you think is fair depending on the value of the VP.

Also, the larger the fund, the harder it is for the fund to be in carry. This is because: 1. it's harder to return a big fund 2. if it's a fund 1/2 LPs are going to put a lot of conditions to de-risk the fund for themselves like hurdles 3. they will be on the European waterfall so you will not see carry for 10 - 15 years. 
May 10, 2024 2:55pm
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