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Fee based VP structure

I am noticing there are many fees based VP structure popping up. Some start as little as $1k.

This is something I found on a form in a VC firm that hasn't closed yet, but they say they have registered and currently run SPVs.

"Venture Partners are required to invest a minimum of $5,000, receive incentives for raising capital, gain access and voting rights for our proprietary dealflow and benefit from a elite and diverse network."

They have 70 VPs so far. It sounds more of a fee based angel syndicate but with "Venture Partner" titles, as well as a promise for a board seat. Not sure how that's possible with their check size between $100k-200K

3 answers
Accepted Answer
Jul 10, 2024
Decile Base AI
Jul 09, 2024
Community Member
Jul 10, 2024

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